Expertise in context: human and machine

Part 1 The cognitive perspective: cognitive and developmental factors in expert performance, K.A. Ericsson and N. Charness some concrete advantages of abstraction - how experts' representations facilitate reasoning, C.M. Zeitz cognitive models of directional inference in expert medical reasoning, V.L. Patel and M.F. Ramoni experience and expertise - the role of memory in planning for opportunities, C.M. Seifert et al issues of expert flexibility in contexts characterized by complexity and change, P.J. Feltovich et al. Part 2 Expertise in context: cognitive conceptions of expertise, R.J. Sternberg metaphors for expertise - how knowledge engineers picture human expertise, M. LaFrance a look at expertise from a social perspective, E.W. Stein expertise in dynamic, physical task domains, V.L. Shalin et al expertise in context - personally constructed, socially selected and reality-relevant?, N.M. Agnew et al. Part 3 Socially situated expertise: the conceptual nature of knowledge, situations and activity, W.J. Clancey RAT-Tale - sociology's contribution to understanding human and machine cognition, H.M. Collins. Part 4 Expert systems in context: model-based expert systems and the explanation of expertise, N. Shadbolt and K. O'Hara a study of solution quality in human expert and knowledge-based system reasoning, C.C. Hayes abduction and abstraction in diagnosis - a schema-based account, C.R. Stern and G.F. Luger integrating skill and knowledge in expert agents, H. Hexmoor and S.C. Shapiro toward automated expert reasoning and expert-novice communication, M. Miller and D. Perlis the tuning effect - the nature of trust in expert systems advice, F.J. Lerch et al interpreting generic structures - expert systems, expertise and context, K. O'Hara and N. Shadbolt. Part 5 Pushing the envelope: an argument for the uncomputability of infinitary mathematical expertise, S. Bringsjord expertise and context in uncertain inference, H.E. Kyburg negative expertise, M. Minsky context, cognition and the future of intelligent infostructures, A.T. Rappaport. Part 6 Recapitulation and synthesis: a general conceptual framework for conceiving of expertise and expert systems, R.R. Hoffman et al.