and usefulness of the geothermal resource. Subsequently, another $60,000 grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) was obtained to determine the feasibility of forming a district heating system. The positive results obtained by these two studies opened the door for a $400,000 grant from the California Energy Commission to install a demonstration digester heating project at the San Bernardino Wastewater Treatment Plant. In the fall of 1982, the demonstration system construction commenced with the purchase of an existing geothermal well located on the Orange Show grounds (Figure I). The well was reconstructed by Water Department staff and tied into the wastewater treatment plant via 4,500 ft of 8-in. diameter insulated pipeline. In 1983, the Blood Bank, Animal Shelter, and five wastewater plant buildings were also tied into this pipeline. This initial project was completed in 14 months. Based on the results from the confirmation drilling by Republic Geothermal, Inc., and data from testing the newly acquired Meeks and Daley #66 Well, the San Bernardino Board of Water Commissioners (SBBWC) engaged the professional services of the Physical Science Laboratory of New Mexico State University to assist in the fmal development of the project. The primary objectives of the Physical Science Laboratory services were to conduct a market survey update, formulate a conceptual system design, and develop detailed economic analyses. A survey was conducted to determine if potential users could have cost effective use of the confirmed resource. The market survey assessed the economic feasibility of individual user retrofit expenditures and San Bernardino's ability to repay the loan. The report concluded that the project was economically feasible, and could be constructed and operated in a cost..,ffective manner. In late 1984, the Water Department obtained a $2.75 million grantlloan from the CEC and commenced construction of the geothermal district heating as it exists today.