1 General Preparations for Surgery 2 Local anaesthesia 3 General anaesthesia for ENT operations 4 Postoperative management 5 Reconstructive plastic surgery of the face 6 Nasal Operations 7 Surgery of the paranasal sinuses and their adjacent structures 8 Surgery of the Epipharynx 9 Surgery of the oral cavity and oropharynx 11 Surgery of the External Neck 12 Surgery of the Esophagus and Mediastinum 13 Surgery of the Salivary Glands 14 Surgery of the Ear 15 Surgery of the Auricle and Ear Canal 16 Surgery of the Bony Ear Canal and Tympanic Membrane 17 Surgical Approaches, Harvesting Grafts, and Implants 18 Tympanoplasty 19 Surgery of the Mastoid Process 20 Surgery of the Middle Ear and Facial Nerve after Trauma 21 Stapes Surgery 22 Surgical Treatment of Vertigo 23 Surgical Implantation of Hearing Aids.