Nearly Zero-Energy Building Strategy 2020

Sustainability of the European society and economy will be based on renewable energy and resource efficiency. For the building sector, this implies the large scale deployment of nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEBs). The technology is available and proven; however the large scale uptake of nZEB construction and renovation is still a challenge for all market actors and stakeholders involved. A substantial gap in reliable data on current market activities made it difficult for policy-makers to evaluate the success of their policies.Therefore, the key objective of ZEBRA2020 was to monitor the market uptake of nZEBs across Europe and to provide data and as well as recommendations on how to reach the nZEB standard. Data and strategies were made accessible via online tools for nZEB data, market tracking and scenarios until 2050. Recommendations have been derived on national and EU level. ZEBRA2020 covered 17 European countries and almost 90% of the EU building stock and population. Thus, it was actively contributing to meeting the ambitious target of 100%-share of nZEBs for new buildings from 2020 and a substantial increase of deep nZEB renovations.