Design requirements for SiC/SiC composites structural material in fusion power reactor blankets

This paper recalls the main features of the TAURO blanket, a self-cooled Pb-17Li concept using SiC/SiC composites as structural material, developed for FPR. The objective of this design activity is to compare the characteristics of present-day industrial SiC-SiC composites with those required for a fusion power reactor blanket and to evaluate the main needs of further R&D. The performed analyses indicated that the TAURO blanket would need the availability of SiC/SiC composites approximately 10 mm thick with a thermal conductivity through the thickness of approximately 15 Wm−1K−1 at 1000°C and a low electrical conductivity. A preliminary MHD analysis has indicated that the electrical conductivity should not be greater than 500 Ω−1m−1. Irradiation effects should be included in these figures. Under these conditions, the calculated pressure drop due to the high Pb-17Li velocity (approximately 1 m s−1) is much lower then 0.1 MPa. The characteristics and data base of the recently developed 3D-SiC/SiC composite, Cerasep® N3-1, are reported and discussed in relation to the identified blanket design requirements. The progress on joining techniques is briefly reported. For the time being, the best results have been obtained using Si-based brazing systems initially developed for SiC ceramics and whose major issue is the higher porosity of the SiC/SiC composites.