Hunting and gathering takes the whole tribe: Assurance of learning master classes

The effective implementation of assurance of learning in Australian business schools remains a challenge . This session will present the findings of the Office of Learning and Teaching funded project ‘Hunters and Gatherers: Strategies for Curriculum Mapping and Data Collection for Assurance of L earning’ developed into a set of master - classes. Emphasising the importance of staff engagement, this session cover s good practice in fostering an inclusive process of curriculum mapping, data collection, and closing the loop. Engaging academics in assurance of learning is key to a sustainable process, yet this is a long term process that requires institutional commitment to teaching and learning improvement. Drawing on the common elements identified by participants, this session will present a s et of good practices for making assuring student learning everyone’ s business. Effective engagement begins with the process of curriculum mapping , which is at its best an interactive and collaborative process of aligning a program for the best possible student learning outcomes. This session will share some of the principles used by Australian business schools to embed graduate attributes into their programs. Some schools are engaged in collecting data on student learning outcomes. The second part of the workshop will work through the principles applied to enable the effective collection of data through embedding student learning outcomes into assessments. By providing all students feedback on their performance against explicit student learning outcomes, data collection can form a pedagogical purpose and a source of information for curriculum improvement. The final and most vital stage of assurance is the process of closing the loop, which requires a collaborative approach to reviewing the implications of the data collected. This section will explore the principles used by business schools that have built this into the normal process of course review, resulting in robust discussion about how to improve student outcomes.