— Color Visual Cryptography scheme implemented in this paper encrypts informative color image in such a way that result of encryption is in the form of shares. Shares do not reflect any information directly, information is scrambled instead. Each share carries some information which in unreadable by necked eyes. The decryption is done directly by the human visual system with no special cryptographic calculations. Color visual cryptography uses 2 out of two secret sharing scheme which generates two shares for every input image to be encrypted. The original image is reconstructed by printing the two output shares onto transparencies and superimposing them together. This is X-OR operation between the shares to reveal the original information. The algorithm first generates RED, GREEN, BLUE as well as the ALPHA components of each pixel of an input image and these three components are used to generate the shares using 2 out of 2 secret sharing scheme. This scheme is useful in many applications like in securing information but not useful for visually blind people.
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