L'etude presente un comparatif des architectures et des strategies de gestion d'energie dediees a un systeme eolien base sur les voilures de type Savonius (VAWT). Un dispositif MPPT doit etre introduit en vue d'obtenir un rendement energetique maximal. Un pilotage direct en couple ou en vitesse ou indirect par le controle du courant du cote du bus continu est possible. En supposant la caracteristique de voilure inconnue, une recherche par logique floue est envisagee. Afin de minimiser les couts de la chaine de conversion statique des structures simples (redresseur a diodes, hacheur devolteur) sont etudiees et comparees avec un montage reposant sur le redresseur MLI. Un banc d'essais dedie a ete elabore en parallele des modelisations/simulations systeme. Les comparaisons energetiques a des vitesses de vent variables ont alors permis d'evaluer les differentes structures et strategies de pilotage. ABSTRACT : This study presents a comparison of architectures and strategies of energy management dedicated to VAWT turbines such as Savonius. A Maximum Power Point Tracking must be implemented in order to optimize the energetic behavior. A torque or a speed control, or an indirect control of the DC bus current is possible. In the fact that the wind turbine characteristic is unknown, an operational research based on fuzzy logic is proposed. Aiming to minimize the cost of the static conversion structure, simple structures (diode bridge inverter, associated with DC-DC chopper) are analyzed and compared with a system based on a PWM Voltage Source Inverter. A test bench has been realized in the meantime as a system simulation. Comparisons of the provided energy are made for different wind speeds allowing to evaluate the performance of each structure and of the control strategies.
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Vector control in synchronous machine drives
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On the Performance of the Savonius Wind Turbine