Microwave noise in semiconductor devices
Preface. List of Symbols. Introduction. Kinetic Theory of Nonequilibrium Processes. Fluctuations: Kinetic Theory. Effect of Interelectron Collisions on Fluctuation Phenomena. Boltzmann--Langevin Equation. Fluctuations and Diffusion. Features of Hot--Electron Fluctuation Spectra. Experimental Techniques. Hot--Electron Microwave Noise in Elementary Semiconductors. Hot--Electron Microwave Noise in GaAs and InP. Length--Dependent Hot--Electron Noise. Hot--Electron Noise in Doped Semiconductors: Theory. Electronic Noise in Standard--Doped n--Type GaAs. Electron Diffusion in Standard--Doped n--Type GaAs. Electronic Subbands in Quantum Wells. Hot--Electron Noise in ALGaAs/GaAs 2DEG Channels. Hot--Electron Noise in InP--Based 2DEG Channels. Cutoff Frequencies of Fast and Ultrafast Processes. Spatially Inhomogeneous Fluctuations. Monte Carlo Approach to Microwave Noise in Devices. Bibliography. Index.