Verkehrsmittelnutzung unter Einfluss von Wetterlage und -empfindlichkeit
Although the correlation of weather conditions and bicycle use would appear to be obvious yet it is not all that clear-cut since the methodical aspects taken into account tend to be based on inaccurate time period-related or regional records of weather conditions. It can also be said that reactions to changes in weather conditions vary in line with an individual's sensitivity. Within the framework of a research project, social and engineering-related scientific methods were applied to analyze the weather-dependent usage of transport modes, to ascertain the reasons for the choice taken and to identify various bicycle user groups. Certain standardized factors were applied to identify personal attitudes towards the use of a particular mode of transport and to ascertain actual behaviour patterns against long-term mobility records. There are distinct differences in the choice of a particular mode of transport in line with a person's reaction to adverse weather situations and weather-related sensitivity. It is only to a limited extent that this can be traced back to socio-demographic factors. On the other hand, this apparent correlation facilitates the appraisal of private cars and bicycles as means of transport.