Incubators: A Realist's Guide to the World's New Business Accelerators
Introduction. PART ONE: A BRIEF HISTORY OF BUSINESS INCUBATION. How Business Incubators Work. How it All Began. Who Goes in for Incubation? PART TWO: WHO ARE THE PLAYERS? The Property Developers. Government and Local Government. The Academics. The Corporate Venturers. The Entrepreneurs. The Venture Capitalists. The Business Angels. The Consultants. Variations on a Theme. Incubator Associations. PART THREE: WHAT DO INCUBATORS REALL HAVE TO OFFER? Premises. Business Services. Management and Business Strategy Services. Financing and Financial Consulting. PART FOUR: COULD INCUBATION WORK FOR YOU? What are the Real Benefits to be Gained from Locating an Incubator. Is Incubation Right for You? Getting into an Incubator. Getting out of an Incubator. PART FIVE: WORLD DIRECTORY OF INCUBATORS. References. Index.