XFEM fracture analysis of orthotropic functionally graded materials

Abstract In the present study, the extended finite element method (XFEM) has been used for fracture analysis of orthotropic functionally graded materials. Orthotropic crack tip enrichments have been used to reproduce the singular stress field near a crack tip. Moreover, the incompatible interaction integral method has been employed to extract the stress intensity factor components. Accuracy and convergence of the proposed method have been evaluated by numerical examples and quality results have been obtained by far fewer DOFs. Also, crack propagation in isotropic and orthotropic FGMs in the presence of crack tip enrichments has been investigated and various propagation criteria have been compared, and verified, if available, by experimental and numerical data in the literature. Application of XFEM in combination of the maximum circumferential tensile stress criterion for investigation of crack propagation in orthotropic FGM problems is performed for the first time.

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