High-temperature superconductivity in iron-based materials

[1]  K. Tanabe,et al.  Synthesis and characterization of (Ba, Sr)Fe2(As, P)2 iron pnictide superconductors , 2012 .

[2]  G. Kotliar,et al.  Magnetism and charge dynamics in iron pnictides , 2010, 1007.2867.

[3]  E. Lewars Density Functional Calculations , 2011 .

[4]  C. Lin,et al.  Aliovalent ion-doped BaFe2As2: Single crystal growth and superconductivity , 2010 .

[5]  J. Tapp,et al.  Superconductivity in ternary iron pnictides: AFe2As2 (A = alkali metal) and LiFeAs , 2010 .

[6]  Y. Yoshida,et al.  Absence of an appreciable iron isotope effect on the transition temperature of the optimally doped SmFeAsO(1-y) Superconductor. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[7]  Thomas Wolf,et al.  Doping evolution of superconducting gaps and electronic densities of states in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 iron pnictides , 2010, 1007.2218.

[8]  B. Keimer,et al.  Specific heat measurements of Ba(0.68)K(0.32)Fe2As2 single crystals: evidence for a multiband strong-coupling superconducting state. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[9]  M. Lumsden,et al.  Inelastic neutron scattering study on the resonance mode in an optimally doped superconductor LaFeAsO0.92F0.08 , 2010, 1006.4640.

[10]  A. Bostwick,et al.  Evidence for a Lifshitz transition in electron-doped iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity , 2010 .

[11]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Line nodes in the energy gap of superconducting BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 single crystals as seen via penetration depth and thermal conductivity , 2010 .

[12]  D. Johnston,et al.  The puzzle of high temperature superconductivity in layered iron pnictides and chalcogenides , 2010, 1005.4392.

[13]  T. M. Garitezi,et al.  Distinct high-T transitions in underdoped Ba(1-x)KxFe2As2. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[14]  S. Y. Li,et al.  Reply to comment by T. Terashima et al. on , 2010, 1005.3575.

[15]  J. Chu,et al.  Stripes of increased diamagnetic susceptibility in underdoped superconducting Ba(Fe[subscript 1−x]Co[subscript x])[subscript 2]As[subscript 2] single crystals: Evidence for an enhanced superfluid density at twin boundaries , 2010 .

[16]  K. Ishida,et al.  Unconventional superconductivity and antiferromagnetic quantum critical behavior in the isovalent-doped BaFe2(As1-xPx)2. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[17]  Zhongxian Zhao,et al.  Neutron spin resonance as a probe of the superconducting energy gap of BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 superconductors , 2010 .

[18]  C. Krellner,et al.  Coupling between the structural and magnetic transition in CeFeAsO , 2010 .

[19]  E. Bauer,et al.  Doping-dependent specific heat study of the superconducting gap in Ba ( Fe 1 − x Co x ) 2 As 2 , 2010, 1004.4576.

[20]  H. Takagi,et al.  Unconventional s-Wave Superconductivity in Fe(Se,Te) , 2010, Science.

[21]  L. Taillefer,et al.  Nodes in the gap structure of the iron arsenide superconductor Ba ( Fe 1 − x Co x ) 2 As 2 from c -axis heat transport measurements , 2010, 1004.3804.

[22]  T. Xiang,et al.  Anisotropic structure of the order parameter in FeSe0.45Te0.55 revealed by angle-resolved specific heat , 2010, Nature communications.

[23]  M. Lumsden,et al.  Magnetism in Fe-based superconductors , 2010, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

[24]  H Germany,et al.  Effects of magnetism and doping on the electron-phonon coupling in BaFe 2 As 2 , 2010, 1004.1943.

[25]  P. Thuéry,et al.  Hole and electron contributions to the transport properties of Ba ( Fe 1 − x Ru x ) 2 As 2 single crystals , 2010, 1003.5376.

[26]  D. Braithwaite,et al.  Evidence for Anisotropic Vortex Dynamics and Pauli Limitation in the Upper Critical Field of FeSe1-xTex , 2010, 1003.3812.

[27]  W. Kwok,et al.  Evolution of London penetration depth in single crystals of Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$T$_{x})_{2}$As$_{2}$ (T=Co, Ni) irradiated with heavy ions , 2010 .

[28]  W. Kwok,et al.  London penetration depth in Ba(Fe 1-x T x ) 2 As 2 (T=Co,Ni) superconductors irradiated with heavy ions , 2010, 1003.2959.

[29]  G. Sawatzky,et al.  Where are the extra d electrons in transition-metal-substituted iron pnictides? , 2010, Physical review letters.

[30]  T. Xiang,et al.  Anisotropic neutron spin resonance in superconducting BaFe(1.9)Ni(0.1)As(2) , 2010, 1003.1926.

[31]  H. Eisaki,et al.  Appearance of pressure-induced superconductivity in BaFe2As2 under hydrostatic conditions and its extremely high sensitivity to uniaxial stress , 2010 .

[32]  H. Eisaki,et al.  Extremely high sensitivity to uniaxial stress in pressure induced superconductivity of BaFe2As2 , 2010, 1003.0913.

[33]  W. Hanke,et al.  Why some Iron-based superconductors are nodal while others are nodeless , 2010, 1002.3599.

[34]  P. Hirschfeld,et al.  Specific Heat vs Field in the 30 K Superconductor BaFe$_{2}$(As$_{0.7}$P$_{0.3})_{2}$ , 2010, 1002.3355.

[35]  S. Chi,et al.  Electron-doping evolution of the low-energy spin excitations in the iron arsenide superconductor BaFe2-xNixAs2 , 2010, 1002.3133.

[36]  C. Chien,et al.  Control of tetrahedral coordination and superconductivity in FeSe0.5Te0.5 thin films. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[37]  D. J. Scalapino,et al.  A common thread , 2010, 1002.2413.

[38]  T. Muranaka,et al.  Pressure-induced high- T c superconducting phase in FeSe: Correlation between anion height and T c , 2010, 1002.1832.

[39]  J. Chu,et al.  Enhanced Fermi-surface nesting in superconducting BaFe2(As(1-x)P(x))2 revealed by the de Haas-van Alphen effect. , 2010, Physical review letters.

[40]  P. Bonville,et al.  Incommensurate spin density wave in Co-doped BaFe2As2 , 2010, 1002.0931.

[41]  E. Bauer,et al.  Gap structure in the electron-doped iron–arsenide superconductor Ba(Fe0.92Co0.08)2As2: low-temperature specific heat study , 2010, 1001.4564.

[42]  M. Imai,et al.  Fermi Surface and Mass Enhancement in KFe2As2 from de Haas-van Alphen Effect Measurements , 2010, 1001.3441.

[43]  T. Perring,et al.  Paramagnetic Spin Correlations in CaFe2As2 Single Crystals , 2010, 1001.2804.

[44]  R. Prozorov,et al.  London penetration depth and superfluid density in single crystals of Fe(Te,Se) and Fe(Te,S) superconductors , 2010, 1001.2042.

[45]  Y. Matsushita Local Measurement of the Penetration Depth in the Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe_0.95 Co_0.05)_2 As_2 , 2010 .

[46]  P. Canfield,et al.  Nematic Electronic Structure in the “Parent” State of the Iron-Based Superconductor Ca(Fe1–xCox)2As2 , 2010, Science.

[47]  B. Keimer,et al.  Specific heat of Ba0.68K0.32Fe2As2: evidence for multiband strong-coupling superconductivity , 2010, 1001.1074.

[48]  J. Storey,et al.  The electronic specific heat of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 from 2K to 380K , 2010, 1001.0474.

[49]  Y. Bang Volovik effect in the ±s-wave state for the iron-based superconductors. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[50]  P. Zavalij,et al.  Superconductivity at 23 K in Pt doped BaFe2As2 single crystals , 2009, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

[51]  P. Jeglič,et al.  75As nuclear magnetic resonance study of antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the normal state of LiFeAs , 2009, 0912.0692.

[52]  Kim,et al.  Unconventional pairing in the iron arsenide superconductors , 2009, 0911.5183.

[53]  W. Bao,et al.  Incommensurate itinerant antiferromagnetic excitations and spin resonance in the FeTe$_{0.6}$Se$_{0.4}$ superconductor , 2009, 0911.4713.

[54]  A. Chubukov,et al.  Magnetic degeneracy and hidden metallicity of the spin-density-wave state in ferropnictides , 2009, 0911.1754.

[55]  J. Rowell,et al.  Suppression of the critical temperature of superconducting NdFeAs(OF) single crystals by Kondo-like defect sites induced by alpha-particle irradiation. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[56]  Thomas Wolf,et al.  Calorimetric evidence of multiband superconductivity in Ba ( Fe 0.925 Co 0.075 ) 2 As 2 single crystals , 2009, 0910.5006.

[57]  Kunihiko Hashimoto,et al.  Evolution of the Fermi surface of BaFe2(As1-xPx){2} on entering the superconducting dome. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[58]  S. Y. Li,et al.  Quantum criticality and nodal superconductivity in the FeAs-based superconductor KFe2As2. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[59]  D. Larbalestier,et al.  New Fe-based superconductors: properties relevant for applications , 2009, 0910.1297.

[60]  A. Loidl,et al.  Magnetic and superconducting transitions in Ba$_{1-x}$K$_x$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ studied by specific heat , 2009, 0910.0389.

[61]  S. Chi,et al.  Effect of magnetic field on the spin resonance in FeTe 0.5 Se 0.5 as seen via inelastic neutron scattering , 2009, 0910.0027.

[62]  M. Itou,et al.  Bulk electronic structure of optimally doped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 , 2009, 0909.3194.

[63]  Lan Luan,et al.  Local measurement of the penetration depth in the pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe0.95Co0.05)2As2 , 2009, 0909.0744.

[64]  S. Y. Li,et al.  Thermal conductivity of overdoped BaFe1.73Co0.27As2 single crystal: Evidence for nodeless multiple superconducting gaps and interband interactions , 2009, 0908.2209.

[65]  K. Ishida,et al.  ^{31}P and ^{75}As NMR evidence for a residual density of states at zero energy in superconducting BaFe_{2}(As_{0.67}P_{0.33})_{2} , 2009, 0908.0625.

[66]  A. Sefat,et al.  Contrasting spin dynamics between underdoped and overdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[67]  K. Hradil,et al.  Normal-state spin dynamics and temperature-dependent spin-resonance energy in optimally doped BaFe 1.85 Co 0.15 As 2 , 2009, 0907.3632.

[68]  Hidefumi Takahashi,et al.  Studies on Effects of Impurity Doping and NMR Measurements of La 1111 and/or Nd 1111 Fe-Pnictide Superconductors , 2009, 0907.3007.

[69]  H. Mook,et al.  Lattice distortion and magnetic quantum phase transition in CeFeAs(1-x)P(x)O. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[70]  H. Mook,et al.  Evolution of spin excitations into the superconducting state in FeTe 1−x Se x , 2009, 0907.2417.

[71]  L. Taillefer,et al.  Doping dependence of heat transport in the iron-arsenide superconductor Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2: from isotropic to a strongly k-dependent gap structure. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[72]  Beijing,et al.  Integer and half-integer flux-quantum transitions in a niobium–iron pnictide loop , 2009, 0905.3571.

[73]  A. Loidl,et al.  Magnetic and superconducting transitions in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 studied by specific heat , 2010 .

[74]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Synthesis and characterization of (Ba, Sr)Fe2(As, P)2 iron pnictide superconductors , 2009, 0905.4427.

[75]  Jiangping Hu,et al.  Spin Waves and Magnetic Exchange Interactions in CaFe2As2 , 2009 .

[76]  H. Takagi,et al.  Pressure-Induced Antiferromagnetic Fluctuations in the Pnictide Superconductor FeSe0.5Te0.5: 125Te NMR Study , 2009 .

[77]  V. Kogan Pair breaking in iron pnictides , 2009, 0910.4728.

[78]  A. Bostwick,et al.  Critical change in the Fermi surface of iron arsenic superconductors at the onset of superconductivity , 2009, 0910.1799.

[79]  T. Devereaux,et al.  Band- and momentum-dependent electron dynamics in superconducting Ba(Fe 1-x Co x ) 2 As 2 as seen via electronic Raman scattering , 2009, 0910.0898.

[80]  K. H. Kim,et al.  Dual Character of Magnetism in Ferropnictides: Insights from Optical Measurements , 2009, 0909.3352.

[81]  Qingzhen Huang,et al.  Magnetic order in BaMn2 As2 from neutron diffraction measurements , 2009 .

[82]  Z. Hussain,et al.  Unconventional electronic reconstruction in undoped ( Ba , Sr ) Fe 2 As 2 across the spin density wave transition , 2009, 0909.0831.

[83]  D. Basov,et al.  Electronic correlations in the iron pnictides , 2009, 0909.0312.

[84]  W. Tian,et al.  Coexistence of competing antiferromagnetic and superconducting phases in the underdoped Ba(Fe0.953Co0.047)2As2 compound using x-ray and neutron scattering techniques. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[85]  Zhongxian Zhao,et al.  Resonance as a probe of the electron superconducting gap in BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 , 2009, 0908.0954.

[86]  J. Jørgensen,et al.  On the compressibility of BaFe2As2 , 2009 .

[87]  J. Zaanen Specific-heat jump at the superconducting transition and the quantum critical nature of the normal state of pnictide superconductors , 2009, 0908.0033.

[88]  A. Taleb-Ibrahimi,et al.  Nesting between hole and electron pockets in Ba(Fe 1-x Co x ) 2 As 2 (x=0-0.3) observed with angle-resolved photoemission , 2009, 0907.5379.

[89]  P. Hirschfeld,et al.  Theory of thermal conductivity in extended-s state superconductors: Application to ferropnictides , 2009, 0907.4657.

[90]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Line nodes in the energy gap of high-temperature superconducting BaFe_2(As_{1-x}P_x)_2 from penetration depth and thermal conductivity measurements , 2009, 0907.4399.

[91]  Jiaqiang Yan,et al.  Phase diagrams of Ba(Fe 1-x M x ) 2 As 2 single crystals ( M=Rh and Pd) , 2009 .

[92]  M Zahid Hasan,et al.  Fermi surface topology and low-lying quasiparticle dynamics of parent Fe1+xTe/Se superconductor. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[93]  J. Chu,et al.  Enhanced superfluid density on twin boundaries in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 , 2009, 0906.5184.

[94]  David J. Singh,et al.  Absence of superconductivity in hole-doped BaFe2 xCrxAs2 single crystals , 2009 .

[95]  Y. Laplace,et al.  Atomic coexistence of superconductivity and incommensurate magnetic order in the pnictide Ba(Fe 1-x Co x ) 2 As 2 , 2009, 0906.2125.

[96]  H. Hosono,et al.  To What Extent Iron-Pnictide New Superconductors Have Been Clarified: A Progress Report , 2009, 0906.2045.

[97]  R. Arita,et al.  Three-Dimensional Electronic Structure of Superconducting Iron Pnictides Observed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy , 2009, 0906.1846.

[98]  P. Canfield,et al.  Thermoelectric power and Hall coefficient measurements on Ba ( Fe 1 − x T x ) 2 As 2 ( T = Co and Cu) , 2009, 0906.1548.

[99]  David J. Singh,et al.  Evidence for three-dimensional Fermi-surface topology of the layered electron-doped iron superconductor Ba(Fe 1-x Co x ) 2 As 2 , 2009 .

[100]  Jiaqiang Yan,et al.  Similarities between structural distortions under pressure and chemical doping in superconducting BaFe2As2. , 2009, Nature materials.

[101]  Fu-Chun Zhang,et al.  Pi junction to probe antiphase s-wave pairing in iron pnictide superconductors. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[102]  S. Y. Li,et al.  Nodeless superconducting gap in electron-doped BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 probed by quasiparticle heat transport , 2009, 0906.0138.

[103]  M. Einaga,et al.  Zero-resistance superconducting phase in BaFe 2 As 2 under high pressure , 2009 .

[104]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Evolution from Non-Fermi to Fermi Liquid Transport Properties by Isovalent Doping in BaFe2(As1-xPx)2 Superconductors , 2009, 0905.4427.

[105]  Y. Zhao,et al.  Spin gap and resonance at the nesting wave vector in superconducting FeSe_{0.4}Te_{0.6}. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[106]  P. Canfield,et al.  Muon spin rotation measurement of the magnetic field penetration depth in Ba(Fe 0.926 Co 0.074 ) 2 As 2 : Evidence for multiple superconducting gaps , 2009, 0905.3215.

[107]  P. Canfield,et al.  Jump in specific heat at the superconducting transition temperature in Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2 and Ba(Fe1−xNix)2As2 single crystals , 2009, 0905.2955.

[108]  H. Eisaki,et al.  Strong-Coupling Spin-Singlet Superconductivity with Multiple Full Gaps in Hole-Doped Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 Probed by 57Fe-NMR , 2009, 0905.1896.

[109]  Jiansheng Wu,et al.  Orbital ordering induces structural phase transition and the resistivity anomaly in iron pnictides , 2009, 0905.1704.

[110]  K. Matsubayashi,et al.  Intrinsic Properties of AFe2As2 (A = Ba, Sr) Single Crystal under Highly Hydrostatic Pressure Conditions , 2009, 0905.0968.

[111]  W. Kwok,et al.  Specific heat and phase diagrams of single crystal iron pnictide superconductors , 2009 .

[112]  Huiqian Luo,et al.  Low temperature specific heat of the hole-doped Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 single crystals , 2009 .

[113]  P. Canfield,et al.  Complete pressure-dependent phase diagrams for SrFe 2 As 2 and BaFe 2 As 2 , 2009, 0904.4488.

[114]  L. Taillefer,et al.  Quasiparticle heat transport in single-crystalline Ba 1 − x K x Fe 2 As 2 : Evidence for a k -dependent superconducting gap without nodes , 2009, 0904.4049.

[115]  M. Johannes,et al.  Microscopic origin of magnetism and magnetic interactions in ferropnictides , 2009, 0904.3857.

[116]  J. Q. Yan,et al.  Decoupling of the superconducting and magnetic/structural phase transitions in electron-doped BaFe2As2 , 2009, 0904.3134.

[117]  R. Arita,et al.  Pnictogen height as a possible switch between high- T c nodeless and low- T c nodal pairings in the iron-based superconductors , 2009, 0904.2612.

[118]  S. Katrych,et al.  Magnetic penetration depth of single-crystalline SmFeAsO1-xFy , 2009 .

[119]  L. Taillefer,et al.  Heat transport as a probe of superconducting gap structure , 2009, 0904.0388.

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[121]  A. Bostwick,et al.  Three- to two-dimensional transition of the electronic structure in CaFe2As2: a parent compound for an iron arsenic high-temperature superconductor. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[122]  P. Canfield,et al.  London penetration depth in single crystals of Ba ( Fe 1 − x Co x ) 2 As 2 spanning underdoped to overdoped compositions , 2009 .

[123]  H. Eisaki,et al.  Inverse iron isotope effect on the transition temperature of the (Ba,K)Fe2As2 superconductor. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[124]  X. H. Chen,et al.  Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy and Vortex Imaging in the Iron-Pnictide Superconductor BaFe$_{1.8}$Co$_{0.2}$As$_2$ , 2009 .

[125]  X. H. Chen,et al.  Spin waves and magnetic exchange interactions in CaFe 2 As 2 , 2009, 0903.2686.

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[127]  Huiqian Luo,et al.  Roles of multiband effects and electron-hole asymmetry in the superconductivity and normal-state properties of Ba(Fe(1-x)Cox)(2)As-2 , 2009, 0903.2418.

[128]  Y. Li,et al.  A universal relationship between magnetic resonance and superconducting gap in unconventional superconductors , 2009, 0903.2291.

[129]  S. Chi,et al.  Inelastic neutron-scattering measurements of a three-dimensional spin resonance in the FeAs-based BaFe1.9Ni0.1As2 superconductor. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[130]  R. Prozorov,et al.  Nonexponential London penetration depth of FeAs-based superconducting RFeAsO(0.9)F(0.1) (R = La, Nd) single crystals. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[131]  Richard A. Greene,et al.  Observation of the Josephson effect in Pb/Ba$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ single crystal junctions , 2009 .

[132]  S. Graser,et al.  Neutron scattering resonance and the iron-pnictide superconducting gap , 2009, 0903.0008.

[133]  L. Craco,et al.  Theory of multiband superconductivity in iron pnictides. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[134]  D. Singh Electronic structure of BaCu$_2$As$_2$ and SrCu$_2$As$_2$: sp-band metals , 2009, 0902.2502.

[135]  H. Takagi,et al.  Coherence Factors in a High-Tc Cuprate Probed by Quasi-Particle Scattering Off Vortices , 2009, Science.

[136]  E. Bauer,et al.  Quantum oscillations in antiferromagnetic CaFe2As2 on the brink of superconductivity , 2009, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

[137]  C. Kucharczyk,et al.  Quantum oscillations in the parent pnictide BaFe 2 As 2 : Itinerant electrons in the reconstructed state , 2009, 0902.1172.


[139]  T. Perring,et al.  Itinerant magnetic excitations in antiferromagnetic CaFe2As2. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[140]  T. Yildirim,et al.  Strong coupling of the Fe-spin state and the As-As hybridization in iron-pnictide superconductors from first-principle calculations. , 2009, Physical review letters.

[141]  Z. Ren,et al.  Superconductivity up to 30 K in the vicinity of the quantum critical point in BaFe2(As1−xPx)2 , 2009, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

[142]  S. Graser,et al.  Lifting of nodes by disorder in extended-s-state superconductors : Application to ferropnictides , 2009, 0901.2653.

[143]  D. Singh,et al.  Electronic structure of Fe-based superconductors , 2009, 0901.2149.

[144]  Jiansheng Wu,et al.  Experimental Detection of Sign-Reversal Pairing in Iron-Based Superconductors , 2008, 0901.0038.

[145]  I. Mazin,et al.  Possible phase-sensitive tests of pairing symmetry in pnictide superconductors. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[146]  L. Li,et al.  Electronic structure of heavily electron-doped BaFe1.7Co0.3As2 studied by angle-resolved photoemission , 2008, 0812.4111.

[147]  Zhu-An Xu,et al.  Fermi surface nesting induced strong pairing in iron-based superconductors , 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[148]  J. Chu,et al.  Evidence for a nodal-line superconducting state in LaFePO. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[149]  Y. Liu,et al.  Observation of the Josephson effect in Pb/Ba1-xKxFe2As2 single crystal junctions. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[150]  D. J. Scalapino,et al.  Near-degeneracy of several pairing channels in multiorbital models for the Fe pnictides , 2008, 0812.0343.

[151]  H. Mook,et al.  Two-dimensional resonant magnetic excitation in BaFe1.84Co0.16As2. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[152]  Tao E. Li,et al.  Coexistence of itinerant electrons and local moments in iron-based superconductors , 2008, 0811.4111.

[153]  P. Zavalij,et al.  Superconducting and ferromagnetic phases induced by lattice distortions in stoichiometric SrFe2As2 single crystals. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[154]  P. Canfield,et al.  Absence of superconductivity in single-phase CaFe 2 As 2 under hydrostatic pressure , 2008, 0811.2554.

[155]  C. Kucharczyk,et al.  Determination of the phase diagram of the electron-doped superconductor Ba(Fe 1-x Co x ) 2 As 2 , 2008, 0811.2463.

[156]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Microwave surface-impedance measurements of the magnetic penetration depth in single crystal Ba1-xKxFe2As2 superconductors: evidence for a disorder-dependent superfluid density. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[157]  X. H. Chen,et al.  A large iron isotope effect in SmFeAsO1 - xFx and Ba1 - xKxFe2As2 , 2008, Nature.

[158]  Yi Yin,et al.  Scanning tunneling spectroscopy and vortex imaging in the iron pnictide superconductor BaFe1.8Co0.2As2. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[159]  A. Savici,et al.  Superconducting state coexisting with a phase-separated static magnetic order in (Ba,K)Fe2As2, (Sr,Na)Fe2As2, and CaFe2As2 , 2008, 0808.1425.

[160]  E. Abrahams,et al.  Iron pnictides as a new setting for quantum criticality , 2008, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[161]  S. Blundell,et al.  Coexistence of static magnetism and superconductivity in SmFeAsO(1-x)F(x) as revealed by muon spin rotation. , 2008, Nature materials.

[162]  G. Lonzarich,et al.  Superconductivity up to 29 K in SrFe2As2 and BaFe2As2 at high pressures , 2008, Journal of physics. Condensed matter : an Institute of Physics journal.

[163]  M. Huber,et al.  Limits on the Superconducting Order Parameter in NdFeAsO1-xFy from Scanning SQUID Microscopy , 2008, 0807.0467.

[164]  A. Amato,et al.  The electronic phase diagram of the LaO(1-x)F(x)FeAs superconductor. , 2008, Nature materials.

[165]  K. Hashimoto,et al.  Microwave penetration depth and quasiparticle conductivity of PrFeAsO1-y single crystals: evidence for a full-gap superconductor. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[166]  X. H. Chen,et al.  Anisotropy in the electrical resistivity and susceptibility of superconducting BaFe2As2 single crystals. , 2008, Physical review letters.

[167]  J. Warren,et al.  Superconductivity , magnetism , and stoichiometry of single crystals of Fe 1 + , 2009 .

[168]  P. Canfield,et al.  Jump in specific heat at the superconducting transition temperature in Ba(Fe_{1−x}Co_{x})_{2}As_{2} and Ba(Fe_{1−x}Ni_{x})_{2}As_{2} single crystals , 2009 .

[169]  David J. Singh,et al.  Absence of superconductivity in hole-doped BaFe 2 − x Cr x As 2 single crystals , 2009 .

[170]  H. Mook,et al.  Two-dimensional resonant magnetic excitation in BaFe , 2009 .

[171]  P. Dai,et al.  Neutron studies of the iron-based family of high TC magnetic superconductors , 2009, 0902.0091.

[172]  M. Kanatzidis,et al.  Unconventional superconductivity in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 from inelastic neutron scattering , 2008, Nature.

[173]  R. Baumbach,et al.  Superconductivity in LnFePO (Ln= La, Pr and Nd) single crystals , 2008, 0812.0774.

[174]  P. Canfield,et al.  Effects of Co substitution on thermodynamic and transport properties and anisotropic H c 2 in Ba ( Fe 1 − x Co x ) 2 As 2 single crystals , 2008, 0811.1767.

[175]  C. Kucharczyk,et al.  Bulk superconductivity and disorder in single crystals of LaFePO , 2008, 0810.5368.

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