Resonances for magnetic Stark Hamiltonians in two-dimensional case

We study the resonances of the two-dimensional Schrodinger operator P1(B;β)=(Dx−By)2+Dy2+βx+V(x,y), B > 0, β > 0, with constant magnetic and electric fields. We define the resonances of P 1 (B; β) and the spectral shift function ξ(λ) related to P 1 (B; β) and P 0 (B; β) = P 1 (B; β) − V(x, y) without any restriction on B and β. For strong magnetic fields (B → ∞) we obtain a representation of the derivative of ξ(λ), a trace formula for tr(f(P1(B;β))−f(P0(B;β))) and an upper bound for the number of the resonances lying in {z∈3/8:|ℜz−(2n−1)B|≤αB, Imz≥μImθ}, 0 0 is a constant independent of B and n ∈ ℕ* = ℕ \ {0}.