Proposal for a Visualization System of Purchase Relationship Using ID-POS Data

A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Article history: Received: 31 May, 2017 Accepted: 06 July, 2017 Online: 01 August, 2017 In recent years, big data analysis is gaining immense credence in the fields of academics and business. Businesses such as management and marketing have demonstrated a strong inclination and interest in data analytics. However, many businesses are unable to utilize data even if they have access to it. The main reason for that is the lack of familiarity with data analytics procedures. Hence, a system needs to be developed that can perform data analytics and demonstrate its benefits. In this study, we use point of sales data obtained from a supermarket chain to analyze and show the relationship between purchase goods at the same time. A supermarket is one of the ideal places to demonstrate data analysis because retail stores have many purchase records and are always conducting various marketing activities. We propose an easy-to-handle visualization system to show the goods that are inter-related. By using our system, a store manager can obtain information about the item sales easily and interactively.