Topological Dynamics on the Interval

A great deal has been written about maps of the interval, especially in recent years. In addition to many detailed mathematical papers, there have been a number of numerical studies and descriptive works (Co, Fe, GM, HoH, Ma2, MeS, Mr) and studies relating one-dimensional dynamical systems to models in the biological (GOI, HLM, La5–6, Ma1, MaO, WL) and physical (CE, GM1, La3,6, LaR, Lo1–3) sciences. The subject is appealing because it is easy to talk about — very little technical apparatus is needed to pose many problems in the field - and yet one-dimensional systems can exhibit surprizingly complex dynamic behavior.

[1]  A. Denjoy,et al.  Sur les courbes définies par les équations différentielles à la surface du tore , 1932 .

[2]  E. R. V. Kampen The Topological Transformations of a Simple Closed Curve Into Itself , 1935 .

[3]  W. Parry On theβ-expansions of real numbers , 1960 .

[4]  E. Lorenz Deterministic nonperiodic flow , 1963 .

[5]  W. Parry Intrinsic Markov chains , 1964 .

[6]  E. Lorenz The problem of deducing the climate from the governing equations , 1964 .

[7]  E. F. Moore,et al.  MATHEMATICS IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. , 1964, Scientific American.

[8]  W. Parry Symbolic dynamics and transformations of the unit interval , 1966 .

[9]  The entropy of Chebyshev polynomials , 1966 .

[10]  N. Markley Homeomorphisms of the Circle Without Periodic Points , 1970 .

[11]  Ernst Eberlein Toeplitz-Folgen und Gruppentranslationen , 1971 .

[12]  Michael Jakobson,et al.  ON SMOOTH MAPPINGS OF THE CIRCLE INTO ITSELF , 1971 .

[13]  Characterization of the cosine , 1972 .

[14]  A. Lasota Invariant measures and functional equations , 1972 .

[15]  J. Franke,et al.  A classification of the structurally stable contracting endomorphisms of , 1972 .

[16]  S. Newhouse Hyperbolic limit sets , 1972 .

[17]  Roy L. Adler,et al.  F-expansions revisited , 1973 .

[18]  John E. Franke,et al.  Existence of periodic points for maps ofS1 , 1973 .

[19]  R. Adler,et al.  The ergodic infinite measure preserving transformation of boole , 1973 .

[20]  Z. Nitecki Factorization of Nonsingular Circle Endomorphisms , 1973 .

[21]  Nicholas C. Metropolis,et al.  On Finite Limit Sets for Transformations on the Unit Interval , 1973, J. Comb. Theory A.

[22]  β-automorphisms are Bernoulli shifts , 1973 .

[23]  Partitions for Circle Endomorphisms , 1973 .

[24]  Isomorphisms of β-automorphisms to Markov automorphisms , 1973 .

[25]  Escape from the Unit Interval Under the Transformation x ↦λx(1 - x) , 1973 .

[26]  On the existence of invariant measures for Markov processes , 1973 .

[27]  Characterization of the Cosine (Russisch) , 1973 .

[28]  J. Yorke,et al.  On the existence of invariant measures for piecewise monotonic transformations , 1973 .

[29]  R M May,et al.  Biological Populations with Nonoverlapping Generations: Stable Points, Stable Cycles, and Chaos , 1974, Science.

[30]  K. M. Wilkinson Ergodic properties of certain linear mod one transformations , 1974 .

[31]  J. Yorke,et al.  Period Three Implies Chaos , 1975 .

[32]  Louis Block Diffeomorphisms obtained from endomorphisms , 1975 .

[33]  Z. S. Kowalski Invariant Measures for piecewise monotonic transformations , 1975 .

[34]  Morse-Smale endomorphisms of the circle , 1975 .

[35]  M. Keane Interval exchange transformations , 1975 .

[36]  R. Bowen,et al.  The periodic points of maps of the disk and the interval , 1976 .

[37]  Robert M. May,et al.  Patterns of Dynamical Behaviour in Single-Species Populations , 1976 .

[38]  R. F. Williams,et al.  The qualitative analysis of a difference equation of population growth , 1976, Journal of mathematical biology.

[39]  R. May,et al.  Bifurcations and Dynamic Complexity in Simple Ecological Models , 1976, The American Naturalist.

[40]  Robert M. May,et al.  Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics , 1976, Nature.

[41]  Andrzej Lasota A Solution of Ulam's Conjecture on the Existence of Invariant Measures and its Applications , 1976 .

[42]  Harvey B. Keynes,et al.  A “minimal”, non-uniquely ergodic interval exchange transformation , 1976 .

[43]  Tien-Yien Li Finite approximation for the Frobenius-Perron operator. A solution to Ulam's conjecture , 1976 .

[44]  S. Grossmann,et al.  Invariant Distributions and Stationary Correlation Functions of One-Dimensional Discrete Processes , 1977 .

[45]  J. Guckenheimer,et al.  The dynamics of density dependent population models , 1977, Journal of mathematical biology.

[46]  P. Stefan A theorem of Šarkovskii on the existence of periodic orbits of continuous endomorphisms of the real line , 1977 .

[47]  J. Guckenheimer On the bifurcation of maps of the interval , 1977 .

[48]  M. Keane,et al.  Non-ergodic interval exchange transformations , 1977 .

[49]  D. Ruelle,et al.  Applications conservant une mesure absolument continue par rapport àdx sur [0, 1] , 1977 .

[50]  Melvyn B. Nathanson Permutations, Periodicity, and Chaos , 1977, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.

[51]  Entropy for maps of the interval , 1977 .

[52]  J. Hyman,et al.  Periodic Solutions of a Logistic Difference Equation , 1977 .

[53]  Louis Block An example where topological entropy is continuous , 1977 .

[54]  Mappings of the interval with finitely many periodic points have zero entropy , 1977 .

[55]  Rufus Bowen,et al.  Bernoulli maps of the interval , 1977 .

[56]  The periodic points of Morse-Smale endomorphisms of the circle , 1977 .

[57]  A. Lasota On mappings isomorphic to r-adic transformations , 1978 .

[58]  Louis Block,et al.  Homoclinic points of mappings of the interval , 1978 .

[59]  Yoshitsugu Oono Period ≠2n Implies Chaos , 1978 .

[60]  Franz Hofbauer β-Shifts have unique maximal measure , 1978 .

[61]  Louis Block Continuous maps of the interval with finite nonwandering set , 1978 .

[62]  P. Walters Equilibrium states forβ-transformations and related transformations , 1978 .

[63]  James A. Yorke,et al.  Ergodic transformations from an interval into itself , 1978 .

[64]  Hypergraphic Functions and Bifurcations in Recurrence Relations , 1978 .

[65]  Theoretical Study of Time Correlation Functions in a Discrete Chaotic Process , 1978 .

[66]  The generalized Boole's transformation is ergodic , 1978 .

[67]  P. Straffin Periodic Points of Continuous Functions , 1978 .

[68]  Topological entropy at an -explosion , 1978 .

[69]  W. Veech Interval exchange transformations , 1978 .


[71]  Y. Oono A Heuristic Approach to the Kolmogorov Entropy as a Disorder Parameter , 1978 .

[72]  Sherman Wong,et al.  Some metric properties of piecewise monotonic mappings of the unit interval , 1978 .

[73]  M. Feigenbaum Quantitative universality for a class of nonlinear transformations , 1978 .

[74]  James A. Yorke,et al.  Ergodic maps on [0, 1] and nonlinear pseudo-random number generators☆ , 1978 .

[75]  Eine bemerkung zur topologischen entropie , 1978 .

[76]  D. A. Singer,et al.  Stable Orbits and Bifurcation of Maps of the Interval , 1978 .

[77]  Abraham Boyarsky,et al.  On a class of transformations which have unique absolutely continuous invariant measures , 1979 .

[78]  Metric universality in nonlinear recurrence , 1979 .

[79]  M. Cosnard On the Behavior of Successive Approximations , 1979 .

[80]  M. Feigenbaum The universal metric properties of nonlinear transformations , 1979 .

[81]  M. Misiurewicz Horseshoes for mappings of the interval , 1979 .


[83]  M. R. Herman Sur la Conjugaison Différentiable des Difféomorphismes du Cercle a des Rotations , 1979 .

[84]  Michał Misiurewicz,et al.  Invariant measures for continuous transformations of [0,1] with zero topological entropy , 1979 .

[85]  L. Young A closing lemma on the interval , 1979 .

[86]  Louis Block Simple periodic orbits of mappings of the initial , 1979 .

[87]  Y. Katznelson,et al.  Continuous maps of the circle without periodic points , 1979 .


[89]  Edward N. Lorenz,et al.  On the prevalence of aperiodicity in simple systems , 1979 .

[90]  L. Jonker,et al.  Periodic Orbits and Kneading Invariants , 1979 .

[91]  The Nature of Chaos in a Simple Dynamical System , 1979 .

[92]  Franz Hofbauer Maximal measures for piecewise monotonically increasing transformations on [0,1] , 1979 .

[93]  B. Derrida,et al.  Universal metric properties of bifurcations of endomorphisms , 1979 .

[94]  John Guckenheimer,et al.  THE BIFURCATION OF QUADRATIC FUNCTIONS * , 1979 .

[95]  The ergodic behaviour of piecewise monotonic transformations , 1979 .

[96]  J. Guckenheimer Sensitive dependence to initial conditions for one dimensional maps , 1979 .

[97]  R. Bowen Invariant measures for Markov maps of the interval , 1979 .

[98]  F. Hofbauer On intrinsic ergodicity of piecewise monotonic transformations with positive entropy II , 1979 .

[99]  The lorenz attractor and a related population model , 1979 .

[100]  K. Tomita,et al.  Statistical Mechanics of Deterministic Chaos: The Case of One-Dimensional Discrete Process , 1980 .

[101]  Hölder Continuous Derivatives and Ergodic Theory , 1980 .

[102]  J. Coste Iterations of transformations on the unit interval: Approach to a periodic attractor , 1980 .

[103]  A. Boyarsky,et al.  Some properties of piecewise linear expanding maps , 1980 .

[104]  Y. Oono,et al.  Disorder Parameter for Chaos , 1980 .

[105]  A Counterexample Concerning Iteratively Generated Sequences , 1980 .

[106]  Pierre Collet,et al.  Universal properties of maps on an interval , 1980 .

[107]  Koichi Yano Topologically stable homeomorphisms of the circle , 1980, Nagoya Mathematical Journal.

[108]  J. Keener Chaotic behavior in piecewise continuous difference equations , 1980 .

[109]  Franz Hofbauer,et al.  The topological entropy of the transformationx ↦ax (1−x) , 1980 .

[110]  James A. Yorke,et al.  INTERVAL MAPS, FACTORS OF MAPS, AND CHAOS , 1980 .

[111]  Weak continuity of invariant measures for a class of piecewise monotonic transformations , 1980 .

[112]  Z. Nitecki Periodic and limit orbits and the depth of the center for piecewise monotone interval maps , 1980 .

[113]  J. Eckmann,et al.  Iterated maps on the interval as dynamical systems , 1980 .

[114]  Pierre Collet,et al.  On the abundance of aperiodic behaviour for maps on the interval , 1980 .

[115]  Robert M. May,et al.  Period doubling and the onset of turbulence: An analytic estimate of the Feigenbaum ratio , 1980 .

[116]  A. Katok Interval exchange transformations and some special flows are not mixing , 1980 .

[117]  The Periodic Orbits and Entropy of Certain Maps of the Unit Interval , 1980 .

[118]  A. Boyarsky Randomness implies order , 1980 .

[119]  Louis Block Periodic orbits of continuous mappings of the circle , 1980 .

[120]  Continuous maps of the interval whose periodic points form a closed set , 1980 .

[121]  G. Pianigiani First return map and invariant measures , 1980 .

[122]  On a normal form of symmetric maps of [0, 1] , 1980 .

[123]  M. V. Jakobson Construction of invariant measures absolutely continuous with respect to dx for some maps of the interval , 1980 .

[124]  L. Jonker,et al.  Bifurcations in one dimension , 1980 .

[125]  A. Boyarsky Approximating the σ-finite measure invariant under a non-expanding map , 1980 .

[126]  Maximal measures for simple piecewise monotonic transformations , 1980 .

[127]  J. Guckenheimer The growth of topological entropy for one dimensional maps , 1980 .

[128]  M. Misiurewicz,et al.  Entropy of piecewise monotone mappings , 1980 .

[129]  G. Rauzy,et al.  Stricte ergodicité des échanges d'intervalles , 1980 .

[130]  M. Misiurewicz,et al.  Periodic points and topological entropy of one dimensional maps , 1980 .

[131]  Dusa Mc Duff $C^1$-minimal subsets of the circle , 1981 .

[132]  H. Haken,et al.  Intermittent behavior of the logistic system , 1981 .

[133]  F. Ledrappier Some properties of absolutely continuous invariant measures on an interval , 1981, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

[134]  S. Shenker,et al.  Band to band hopping in one-dimensional maps , 1981 .

[135]  J. Eckmann,et al.  A note on the power spectrum of the iterates of Feigenbaum's function , 1981 .

[136]  M. Misiurewicz Structure of mappings of an interval with zero entropy , 1981 .

[137]  Kneading of Lorenz type for intervals and product spaces , 1981 .

[138]  E. Coven,et al.  Non-wandering sets of the powers of maps of the interval , 1981, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

[139]  Abraham Boyarsky,et al.  All invariant densities of piecewise linear Markov maps are piecewise constant , 1981 .

[140]  R. Devaney Genealogy of periodic points of maps of the interval , 1981 .

[141]  Chung-wu Ho,et al.  A graph-theoretic proof of Sharkovsky's theorem on the periodic points of continuous functions. , 1981 .

[142]  M. Jakobson Absolutely continuous invariant measures for one-parameter families of one-dimensional maps , 1981 .

[143]  L. Young On the prevalence of horseshoes , 1981 .

[144]  A Class of Weak Bernoulli Transformations Associated with Representations of Real Numbers , 1981 .

[145]  Minimizing topological entropy for maps of the circle , 1981, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

[146]  Continuous maps of the circle with finitely many periodic points , 1981 .

[147]  B. A. Huberman,et al.  Power spectra of strange attractors , 1981 .

[148]  Existence of invariant measures for piecewise continuous transformations , 1981 .

[149]  Ryuichi Ito Rotation sets are closed , 1981, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[150]  A. Wolf,et al.  Universal power spectra for the reverse bifurcation sequence , 1981 .

[151]  L. Jonker,et al.  Bifurcations in one dimension , 1981 .

[152]  Michał Misiurewicz,et al.  Absolutely continuous measures for certain maps of an interval , 1981 .

[153]  A scaling property in critical spectra of discrete systems , 1981 .

[154]  Irreducibility and primitivity using Markov maps , 1981 .

[155]  Massimo Campanino,et al.  On the existence of Feigenbaum's fixed point , 1981 .

[156]  Louis Block,et al.  Periods of periodic points of maps of the circle which have a fixed point , 1981 .

[157]  G. R. Hall,et al.  A C∞ Denjoy counterexample , 1981, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

[158]  F. Hofbauer The structure of piecewise monotonic transformations , 1981, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

[159]  Franz Hofbauer,et al.  Ergodic properties of invariant measures for piecewise monotonic transformations , 1982 .

[160]  Periodic Points of a Class of Endomorphisms of the Circle , 1982 .

[161]  Chris Bernhardt Rotation Intervals of a Class of Endomorphisms of the Circle , 1982 .

[162]  A Note on Generic Properties of Continuous Maps , 1982 .

[163]  H. Masur Interval Exchange Transformations and Measured Foliations , 1982 .

[164]  On the fullness of surjective maps of an interval , 1982 .

[165]  W. Veech Gauss measures for transformations on the space of interval exchange maps , 1982 .

[166]  Some Dynamical Properties of Certain Differentiable Mappings of an Interval , 1982 .