파랑 중 선박의 운동을 고려한 조종성능 해석 기법에 대한 연구

For the reliable estimation of manoeuvring performances in waves, a numerical simulation program was developed. The program uses 3D panel method to consider the effects of radiation, diffraction and forward speed. Supplementary viscous damping terms, which arc analogous to the hydrodynamic derivatives in the system based manoeuvring simulation, were adopted to account for the viscosity effects on the manoeuvring elated horizontal plane forces and moment. Values of the supplementary damping coefficients were determined by the numerical calibration using the captive model test data in calm sea conditions so that the predicted hull forces and moment can match the experimental data. Captive model tests in regular waves were also conducted to validate the estimated manoeuvring forces in waves. Simulated manoeuvring motions in calm water and in waves were compared with the fee sailing model test results. Through this study, w could find that the developed program gives liable estimate not only on the manoeuvring forces in waves but also on the variation of stability characteristics of a ship with its relative position in waves.