Conducting the NASP ground test program
The National Aero-Space Plane program has recently entered a new phase of the program known as Phase 2D. During this period, five aerospace companies and the Government have formed a National Team. This team has focused on developing a single experimental (X-30) vehicle design and are pursuing a technology validation and demonstration program to prove out the design concepts and design tools. This paper presents an overview of the Phase 2D ground testing being conducted to validate the X-30 design and to demonstrate the critical technologies needed to build and fly a research vehicle during Phase 3 of the program. The Phase 2D exit criteria are discussed to identify how they provide top-level guidance for developing the ground test program. An overview of major test facility modifications being performed in support of the test program is also presented. Emphasis is placed on propulsion and structures testing since these are felt to be the primary areas requiring technologies beyond the current state-of-the-art. Also discussed is the use of uncertainty analysis as a method to account for uncertainties in test data.