Carcinoma Cells Genes Influences the Rate of Growth of Human Hepatocellular Differential Expression of Methionine Adenosyltransferase Updated

Methionine adenosyltransferase (MAT) catalyzes the formation of V adenos.vlmethionine (SAM), the principal methyl donor, and is essential to normal cell function. The two forms of MAT, liver specific and non-liver specific, are products of two genes, MATI A and MAT2A, respectively. We have reported a switch from MATI A to MAT2A gene expression in human liver cancer cells. In the current work, we examined whether the type of MAT expressed by the cell influences cell growth. Ilui 1-7 cells were stably transfected with MATI A and were subsequently treated with antisense oligonucleotides directed against MAT2A. MAT2A antisense treatment reduced the amount of MAT2A mRNA by 99% but had no effect on MATI A mRNA. Cell growth and DNA synthesis rates were reduced by -20-25% after transfection with MAT1A and by an additional 30-40% after MAT2A antisense treatment. SAM level and SAM:S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ratio increased by 50-75% after MA TÃŒA transfection and by an additional 60-80% after MAT2A antisense treatment. DNA methylation changed in parallel to changes in SAM level and S \\I:S \11 ratio. Supplementing untransfected HuH-7 cells with SAM in the culture me dium increased SAM level, SAM:S Ml ratio, and DNA methylation and decreased cell growth and DNA synthesis. In conclusion, cell growth is influenced by the type of MAT expressed. The mechanism likely involves changes in S \M:S VII ratio and DNA methylation.

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