Assessment and Treatment of Muscle Imbalance: The Janda Approach
Movement describes a system of screening, assessment and correction that is applicable to the entire field of health and fitness professionals. The first section discusses why movement screens are necessary and outlines problems with the current diagnostic systems used within muscu-loskeletal care. Great care is given to describing when movement screening is appropriate and when it should be modified or omitted completely. The second section details the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA). Common mistakes are discussed and instruction is given on seamless integration into daily practice. Both systems are accompanied by clear pictures, a companion website and an appendix full of resources. The final section delves into managing the results of the FMS and SFMA with corrective exercise. However, this is not a ‘cookbook recipe’ and only the principles and methods of corrective exercise are detailed. Movement is often repetitive, is selectively referenced. Overall, Movement is an excellent education on the basic tenets of human movement as well as a description of how to screen and correct dysfunctional patterns. A must read for those who have learned the basics of physical examination and rehabilitation protocols and are looking to take their clinical skills to the next level.