Automatic source code generator based on AUTOSAR RTE for vehicular applications

We propose a new approach to an automatic source code generator for the AUTOSAR-based vehicular software. The growing number of electrics/electronics software in vehicle systems makes more and more necessary the increasing demands. For example, it needs the essential requirements such as ensuring reliability, low production cost, coping with limited resources, and so on. Recently, there have been relative studies that point to this issue. An AUTOSAR development partnership is such a case. AUTOSAR is a standardized automotive software architecture which is an alliance of OEM and supplier. Now, the focus is mainly directed at a source code generator that deals with the AUTOSAR standard concept. In this paper, we present a novel source code generator which is based on the AUTOSAR software platform. The experimental process is presented to functionally verify the module, and structurally verify the generated source code.Copyright © 2009 by ASME