LGBT Activism and the Making of Europe: A Rainbow Europe?

1. Introduction Phillip M. Ayoub and David Paternotte PART I: MEANINGS OF EUROPE 2. The European Origins of Transnational Organizing: The International Committee for Sexual Equality Leila J. Rupp 3. LGBT activism in Kyrgyzstan: What Role for Europe? Cai Wilkinson 4. 'In Europe it's Different': Homonationalism and Peripheral Desires for Europe Gianmaria Colpani and Adriano Jose Habed PART II: PRACTICING EUROPE IN LGBTQ ACTIVISM 5. Deploying Europe: The Creation of Discursive Imperatives for Same-sex Unions Kelly Kollman 6. Transnational LGBTI Activism and the European Courts: Constructing the Idea of Europe Anna van der Vleuten 7. Queer Activism and the Idea of 'Practicing Europe' Konstantinos Eleftheriadis PART III: BECOMING EUROPEAN 8. Trans Networking in the European Vortex: Between Advocacy and Grassroots Politics Carsten Balzer and Jan Simon Hutta 9. Transnational Solidarities and LGBTQ Politics in Poland Jon Binnie and Christian Klesse 10. Split Europe: Homonationalism and Homophobia in Croatia Kevin Moss 11. Conclusion