Coronal Loop Oscillations Observed with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer

We report here, for the —rst time, on spatial oscillations of coronal loops, which were detected in extreme-ultraviolet wavelengths (171 with the T ransition Region and Coronal Explorer, in the tem- Ae ) perature range of MK. The observed loop oscillations occurred during a —are that began at T e B 1.0¨1.5 1998 July 14, 12:55 UT and are most prominent during the —rst 20 minutes. The oscillating loops connect the penumbra of the leading sunspot to the —are site in the trailing portion. We identi—ed —ve oscillating loops with an average length of L \ 130,000 ^ 30,000 km. The transverse amplitude of the oscillations is A \ 4100 ^ 1300 km, and the mean period is T \ 280 ^ 30 s. The oscillation mode appears to be a standing wave mode (with —xed nodes at the footpoints). We investigate diUerent MHD wave modes and —nd that the fast kink mode with a period q \ 205(L /1010 cm~3)1@2 cm)(n e /109 (B/10 G)~1 s provides the best agreement with the observed period. We propose that the onset of loop oscillations in distant locations is triggered by a signal or disturbance that propagates from the central —are site with a radial speed of B700 km s~1. Because the observed loop oscillation periods are compa- rable to photospheric 5 minute oscillations, a resonant coupling between the two systems is possible. We further —nd evidence for global extreme-UV dimming in the entire active region possibly associated with a coronal mass ejection. Subject headings: Sun: coronaSun: —aresSun: oscillationsSun: UV radiation

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