Preliminary results on a dedicated silicon diode detector for proton dosimetry.

The present work reports preliminary measurements on the behaviour of a new p-type stereotactic silicon diode. Hi-pSi, produced by Scanditronix and dedicated to proton dosimetry. Diode response was investigated in low-energy proton beams (26.7 MeV and 12 MeV nominal energy), mainly with attention to stability, linearity, dose rate and energy dependence of the detector response. Three different Hi-pSi diodes of the same type were investigated. The diode response was linear with dose and the standard deviation of repeated readings was less than 2.5%. A marked dependence on dose rate was observed for one of the diodes (a response increase of 47% in the 0.7-11 Gy x min(-1) range). After the dose rate and water to silicon mass collision stopping power ratio correction of the diode response in the depth dose measurements, the difference, at the Bragg peak, with respect to the reference chamber was about 4%, ascribed to poor knowledge of the materials in front of the sensitive volume. The diode response was also nearly independent of linear energy transfer (LET) in the 9.6-21.5 MeV effective energy range.