건축 캐드 레이어의 표준 정착 방안에 관한 연구

As the use of CAD(Computer-Aided Design) has been generalized with the rapidly evolving Information Technology and most architectural drawing information tends to be recorded as electronic format and freely shared through such medium as internet. As a result, the need for “CAD Standards" for companies, countries as well as international projects is growing in order to manage the production, circulation and reuse of electronic construction information. While CAD standards has been constantly studied by international organizations and developed countries, those have not drawn much attention of domestic studies albeit indispensible. Thus this paper tries to reveal the reasons why『the CAD Layering Standards v.1.1(2006)』has not been adopted successfully by domestic practice and to find the methods for its earlier settlement. This study begins with the literature review and the manual review on local and global CAD standards. Then it performs the comparative analysis of each format of CAD layer naming standard of International Organization for Standardization(ISO), advanced countries and the domestic organization. Also, it conducts in-depth surveys and interviews on CAD layer standard with CAD educators from universities, executives and staff members from architectural design and construction firms and CAD developers including government officials. Based on these data, this study analyzes the obstruction factors in the process of settling the CAD layer standard into practice from institutional, social and educational perspectives and it finally suggests key measures for the earlier settlement of the CAD layer standard emphasizing the involvement of government, clients and education system.