Solid waste disposal alternatives for the U.S. Military Academy
Abstract : The U.S. Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, NY, currently disposes of its solid wastes through several contractors at the Orange County (NY) landfill. This landfill is expected to run out of space within 5 years, and expansion of the landfill cannot be assumed because it is located over a primary aquifer. Therefore, USMA must have a solid waste disposal plan in place and ready to operate within 5 years, but formulating such a plan is complicated by technical, political, and regulatory considerations. This report discusses the major issues USMA has had to consider in its attempt to create a solid waste plan, including disposal alternatives, costs, siting and environmental issues for landfills and waste incinerators, and the role of recycling. The authors recommend economically viable solid waste management alternatives for USMA.
[1] L. M. Thomas. Managing municipal solid waste , 1988 .