Optimization of Jet Reconstruction Settings and Parton-Level Corrections for the tt̄H Channel

The typical final state for tt̄H associated production where the Higgs decays into a pair of b quark is an event with high jet multiplicity. The expected jet number for one (two) semi-leptonic top decay or fully hadronic top decay is 6(4) and 8 respectively. The ch oi e of the jet algorithm is therefore crucial to improve the chance to detect a light Higgs boson in the top-associated H production. Previous studies both with fast and full simulated events show t hat different jet algorithms give different results in the selection procedure. To fully investigate th e effect of different jet algorithm however is mandatory to use jets calibrated for detector effects and co rre ted for effects related to the parton-jet formation. Different jet finders and Monte-Carlo jet calibr ation parameters are studied relatively to the best performance for the tt̄H channel observability. The set of algorithm chosen is the it erative cone algorithm with cone size going from 0.30 up to 0.50 (with 0.05 step) and the inclusive K⊥ algorithm withr=0.4. Different calibration parameters as a function of η, ET and jet flavour are calculated. Finally, as an example, the jet-to-parton pairing efficiency for the fully hadronictt̄H decay is computed.