Turning a Web 2.0 social network into a Web 3.0, distributed, and secured social web application

This demonstration presents the process of transforming a Web 2.0 centralized social network into a Web 3.0, distributed, and secured Social application, and what was learnt in this process. The initial Web 2.0 Social Network application was written by a group of students over a period of 4 months in the spring of 2011. It had all the bells and whistles of the well known Social Networks: walls to post on, circles of friends, etc. The students were very enthusiastic in building their social network, but the chances of it growing into a large community were close to non-existent unless a way could be found to tie it into a bigger social network. This is where linked data protected by the Web Access Control Ontology and WebID authentication could come to the rescue. The paper describes this transformation process, and we will demonstrate the full software version at the conference.