Employment Planning In The Soviet Union - Continuity And Change
Part 1 Employment planning and labour balances: employment planning - an outline of theoretical and practical issues labour balances and employment growth labour shortage and excess labour - branch and territorial imbalances. Part 2 Labour redeployment - trends and institutions: labour redistribution labour redeployment under "perestroika" the administration of labour displacement - the Job Placement Bureaux labour law and job rights. Part 3 The demand for labour the enterprise demand for labour the output - versus the employment-oriented approach - the notion of workplace excess-capacity - a new definition of labour shortage capacity-labour balance model. Part 4 Production capacity utilization and knowledge: production capacity utilization and shift regime - indicators and quality of information information and capacity utilization in theory information on capacity utilization in practice contradictory information and investment policy actual and expected outcomes. Part 5 Labour-saving - notion and indicators labour value of output and productivity labour-release in planning theory - relative release versus absolute release, conventional labour-release the principles of labour-saving at the enterprise level labour-saving in practice - the physical indicators the rationale of limits on employment the branch limits on employment the territorial limits on employment. Part 6 Wages, employment and labour-saving: outline of Soviet wage policy - theory and practice the wage-productivity relation and employment labour-saving through wage incentives - experiments and model wage control - wage norms and the principle of residual formation of the wage fund the wage reforms - increased differentiation in wage rates and bonuses the implementation of the wage reform. Conclusion: concluding remarks and discussion of the options for the 1990s.