Preparation of cadmium oxide films by spray pyrolysis and its conversion into cadmium chalcogenide films

Thin films of cadmium oxide were prepared on to glass a spray pyrolysis technique from an aqueous so luti on of cadmium chloride. Cadmium oxide films are furthe r converted into cadmium chalcogenide film s by using simple chemical displacement method. The cadmium oxide films were dipped into sodium sulphide and sodiumseleno sulphate so lution to convert into CdS and CdSe film s respecrivel y. The XRD studies show that the film s of CdO and CdSe are microcrystalline. however films of CdS arc polycrystalline. The optical absorption studies gives the bandgap energies as 2.45. 2.30 and 1.9 eV fo r the CdO. CdS and CdSe films respectively.