Methodological approaches for tunnel classification according to ADR agreement

Past tunnel fire accidents have revealed the high impact of consequences on human life and infrastructure. Furthermore, accidents involving thermal radiation, overpressure and toxicity have even larger consequences when dangerous goods are involved. Therefore, special consideration should be given to the proper planning of tunnel operation regarding safe transportation of dangerous goods. According to the ADR Agreement, road tunnels should be assigned a specific tunnel category regarding the passage of dangerous goods. The categorization shall be based on examining the dangers of explosion, release of toxic gas or volatile toxic liquid and fires, which may cause numerous victims or serious damage to the tunnel structure. Furthermore, according to Directive 2004/54/EC a risk analysis should be performed before any regulations and requirements regarding the transportation of dangerous goods through a tunnel are defined or modified. In the present study a brief description of the quantitative risk assessment model (QRAM) is given. QRAM is used in tunnel risk analysis for the passage of dangerous goods and can satisfy the regulatory framework for tunnel categorization. The results of the present study include appropriate methodological approaches using QRAM in order to conclude in tunnel categorization regarding transportation of dangerous goods through road tunnels. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.