基于“教”“学”统一的材料力学课堂改革 The Teaching Reform of Materials Mechanics Based on Teaching and Learning Unity Thought

材料力学与工程实践紧密结合,是机械类专业的一门重要技术基础课程。材料力学教学改革以激发学生的学习兴趣和培养学生的工程分析能力为目的,从课堂的“教”与“学”两方面入手,力争做到教师的“教”与学生的“学”的统一。强调教师和学生都是教学过程的参与者,教师要思考“教什么”,“怎么教”,学生要做到“学会知识”、“学以致用”。 Material mechanics is an important technical foundation course for mechanical specialty, which is closely combined with engineering practice. Aiming at stimulating students’ interest in learning and cultivating students’ engineering analysis ability, the teaching reform of material mechanics starts with two aspects, “teach” and “learn” in the classroom. Both teachers and students are participants in the classroom reform. Teachers have to think about what to teach and how to teach, and the students must to learn the knowledge and the way to use it.