Motivated social perception

Contents: Preface. Z. Kunda, P.G. Davies, E. Hoshino-Browne, C.H. Jordan, The Impact of Comprehension Goals on the Ebb and Flow of Stereotype Activation During Interaction. S. Fein, E. Hoshino-Browne, P.G. Davies, S.J. Spencer, Self-Image Maintenance Goals and Sociocultural Norms in Motivated Social Perception. D. Dunning, The Zealous Self-Affirmer: How and Why the Self Lurks So Pervasively Behind Social Judgment. I. McGregor, Defensive Zeal: Compensatory Conviction About Attitudes, Values, Goals, Groups, and Self-Definition in the Face of Personal Uncertainty. S.L. Koole, B.W. Pelham, On the Nature of Implicit Self-Esteem: The Case of the Name Letter Effect. C.H. Jordan, S.J. Spencer, M.P. Zanna, "I Love Me...I Love Me Not": Implicit Self-Esteem, Explicit Self-Esteem, and Defensiveness. C. Wolfe, J. Crocker, What Does the Self Want? Contingencies of Self-Worth and Goals. M.W. Baldwin, J.R. Baccus, An Expectancy-Value Approach to Self-Esteem. J.A. Bargh, G.M. Fitzsimons, K.Y.A. McKenna, The Self, Online. M. Schaller, Ancestral Environments and Motivated Social Perception: Goal-Like Blasts From the Evolutionary Past. S.T. Fiske, Five Core Social Motives, Plus or Minus Five. J.Y. Shah, A.W. Kruglansk, R. Friedman, Goal Systems Theory: Integrating the Cognitive and Motivational Aspects of Self-Regulation. G.L. Pennington, N.J. Roese, Counterfactual Thinking and Regulatory Focus. R.M. Sorrentino, Motivated Perception and the Warm Look: Current Perspectives and Future Directions.