What is a quantum computer, and how do we build one?

The DiVincenzo criteria for implementing a quantum compute r have been seminal in focussing both experimental and theoretical research in quantum information processing. These criteria were formulated specifically for the circuit model of quantum computing. However, several new models for quantum computing (paradig ms) have been proposed that do not seem to fit the criteria well. The question is therefore what are the general criteria for implementing quantum computers. To this end, a formal opera tion l definition of a quantum computer is introduced. It is then shown that according to th is definition a device is a quantum computer if it obeys the following criteria: Any quantum com puter must consist of a quantum memory, with additional structure that (1) facilitates a co ntr lled quantum evolution of the quantum memory; (2) includes a method for information theor etic cooling of the memory; and (3) provides a readout mechanism for subsets of the quant um memory. The criteria are met when the device is scalable and operates fault-tolerant y. We discuss various existing quantum computing paradigms, and how they fit within this fra mework. Finally, we present a decision tree for selecting an avenue towards building a qua ntum computer. This is intended to help experimentalists determine the most natural paradi gm given a particular physical implementation. PACS numbers: 03.67.Lx 03.67.Ac 03.67.Pp 03.67.Hk Submitted to:New Journal of Physics ‡ c.perez@sheffield.ac.uk § p.kok@sheffield.ac.uk What is a quantum computer, and how do we build one? 2

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