Stem cells in dental pulp of deciduous teeth.

Dental pulp from deciduous (baby) teeth, which are discarded after exfoliation, represents an advantageous source of young stem cells. Herein, we discuss the methods of deciduous teeth stem cell (DTSC) isolation and cultivation. We show that based on these methods, at least three different stem cell populations can be identified: a population similar to bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, an epithelial stem-like cells, and/or a mixed population composed of both cell types. We analyzed the embryonic origin and stem cell niche of DTSCs with respect to the advantages they can provide for their future use in cell therapies and regenerative medicine. In vitro and in vivo differentiation of the DTSC populations, their developmental potential, immunological compatibility, tissue engineering, and transplantation use in studies in animal models are also the focus of the current report. We briefly describe the derivation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells from DTSCs, which can be obtained more easily and efficiently in comparison with human fibroblasts. These iPS cells represent an interesting model for the investigation of pediatric diseases and disorders. The importance of DTSC banking is also discussed.

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