Machine-shop Practice
IN this little book will be found descriptions of the hand and machine-tools employed in an up-to-date workshop, together with clear instructions for their use. The author has desired to lead the pupil in the shop to think, and not merely to do. For this reason the why of each step or operation is emphasised as much as the how. The function of college workshops is to familiarise students with the working properties of the materials employed and with the tools in general use. Such information cannot be adequately obtained from any book, but a book may be very useful for the purpose of supplementing the verbal explanations of the instructor. It is not easy to make other than mental notes in the course of workshop practice, and it is often inconvenient to pull a machine, or part of a machine, to pieces for the purpose of explanation.Machine-shop Practice.By W. J. Kaup. Pp. xii + 199. Second edition. (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.; London: Chapman and Hall, Ltd., 1914.) Price 5s. 6d. net.