Failure mode and effect analysis on ITER heat transfer systems

The complexity of the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) plant and the inventories of radioactive materials involved in its operation require a systematic approach to perform detailed safety analyses during the various stages of the project in order to demonstrate compliance with the safety requirements. The failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) methodology has been chosen to perform the safety analysis at system level for ITER. The main purposes of the work are: to identify important accident initiators, to find out the possible consequences for the plant deriving from component failures, identify individual possible causes, identify mitigating features and systems, classify accident initiators in postulated initiating events (PIEs), define the deterministic analyses which allow the possible accident sequences to be quantified, both in terms of expected frequency and radiological consequences, and consequently, to ascertain the fulfillment of ITER safety requirements. This paper summarises the FMEA performed for the heat transfer systems (HTSs).