Hybrid fuel cell--solar cell space power subsystem capability. Technical documentary report, 1 Apr-30 May 1964. [kW range]
Abstract : This report outlines the capabilities and limitations of a hybrid solar cell-fuel cell space power subsystem by comparing the proposed hybrid system to conventional power subsystem devices. The comparisons are based on projected 1968 capability in the areas of primary and secondary battery, fuel cell, solar cell, and chemical dynamic power subsystems. The purpose of the investigation was to determine the relative merits of a hybrid power subsystem in terms of system complexity, cost, weight, and reliability. The initial effort of the study surveyed the present and projected (1968) capabilities of the conventional power subsystems. The second portion centered on comparative capability analysis. The investigation shows the hybrid system offers potential savings in cost, weight and system complexity in the low kilowatt power regime for mission durations of less than one month and orbital altitudes of less than 5000 statute miles. (Author)