It is suggested that a correct interpretation of partial-discharge transients can be obtained only through the concept of induced charge. The application of this concept enables a partial-discharge theory to be developed by means of which the influence of relevant void parameters can be assessed in a correct way. It is argued that the widely adopted abc-capacitance model does not allow this insight to be achieved. In addition, it is claimed that the abc-model is based on an erroneous application of the concept of capacitance, and, although this simple approach can be a useful tool when discussing measuring techniques, it may lead to quite incorrect conclusions. The relationship between the transients in the applied voltage and current pulses leading to partial breakdown and the induced charge is found.<<ETX>>
P. C. Clemmow.
An Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory
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Elektrische Gasentladungen : ihre Physik und Technik
S A Bludman,et al.
Theoretical Physics
J. Maxwell.
A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism
S. Ramo.
Currents Induced by Electron Motion
Proceedings of the IRE.
S. Whitehead,et al.
Dielectric Breakdown of Solids
W. Shockley.
Currents to Conductors Induced by a Moving Point Charge
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Partial discharges in ellipsoidal and spheroidal voids