Feasibility of Implementing a Computer-Assisted Pavement Rehabilitation Decision Support System

Rehabilitation of urban highways is a critical issue confronting Department of Transportation agencies since most states have an inventory of highways that have exceeded their design lives. Delivery of cost-effective projects which minimize delays and traffic impacts of highway rehabilitation is needed. The Construction Analysis for Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies (CA4PRS) is a software program for predicting construction productivity during various closure timeframes for highway rehabilitation. This tool has been used in California and Washington among other states and has proved capable of providing significant scheduling and productivity inputs into early design planning. This study presents the results of evaluating the implementation and use of the CA4PRS by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) in planning their highway projects. A knowledge inventory survey conducted at GDOT and ODOT is used to assess if the tool could be used in the context of Georgia and Oklahoma. Furthermore, the applicability of CA4PRS is tested in two case studies in an effort to evaluate its potential implementation.