Building Kylix Applications

From the Publisher: Kylix is the first killer application for the Linux environment,which will allow Linux to truly compete with Windows. Excellent timing—this developer's guide will be among the first on the market to this topic. Author is renowned in the Borland market. Develop faster,more powerful applications with this hands-on guide to Kylix Build,test,and deploy highly efficient applications for Linux quickly and easily using this practical resource. Well-known Kylix expert Cary Jensen shows you everything you need to master this new hot RAD tool—from initial development steps to deploying Web-based applications. Get details on Kylix's RAD frameworks,database applications and datasets,extending the code editor,using Internet Direct to create socket clients and servers,and much more. You'll also get up to speed on the tools in the integrated development environment (IDE) and learn how to effectively use the CLX component library,work with forms and frames,module templates,and wizards. This definitive book contains seven chapters on database development,five chapters on Internet development,and contributions from Kylix R&D team members. If you are interested in learning how to create high quality,error-free Kylix applications—simply and efficiently—then Building Kylix Applications is the book for you. Create and debug both standalone applications and shared object libraries Work with TFields,the SQL monitor,and data-aware controls Get details on advanced features—including multithreaded applications and building your own components Maximize the powerful features of the CLX component library Write Web server extensions (CGI andApache DSOs) using Web Broker Improve portability and ensure the compatibility of your applications Understand Internet Direct and its client,server,and support components