Survey on Demand for Sport Fisheries: Problems and Potentialities for Its Use in Fishery Management Planning

Abstract A mail questionnaire was sent to about 8,700 randomly selected Colorado anglers to determine their preferences and demands for sport fishing in the state. Quantification of angler demand was based on angler actions (constrained demand) as well as stated preferences (unconstrained demand). The importance of drawing a distinction between these two types of demand in fishery operations planning is described in the context of resource allocation: should our resources be managed for what anglers say they prefer or for what their actions indicate they want, or both? The interaction of demand and supply is presented in the framework of a fishery operations planning system being developed in Colorado. This system integrates supply and demand components of a fishery program in a classification system designed to enhance fishery managers' decisions by identifying the best uses of individual waters in the context of concepts such as wild, trophy, or unique species and put-and-take or put-and-grow fisheries....