Summary. COCORP seismic reflection traverses of the U.S. Cordillera at 40"N and 48.5"N latitude reveal some fundamental similarities as well as significant differences in reflection patterns. On both traverses, autochthonous crust beneath thin-skinned thrust belts of the eastern part of the Cordillera is unreflective; immediately to the west the Cordilleran interior is very reflective above a flat, prominent reflection Moho. Mesozoic accreted terranes in the western part of the orogen are underlain on both traverses by very complex reflection patterns, in constrast to more easily deciphered patterns beneath areas of Cenozoic accretion. The prominent reflection Moho beneath the orogenic interior on both transects probably evolved through a combination of magmatic and deformational processes during Cenozoic extension. The main differences between the two traverses lie in the reflection patterns of the middle and lower crust in the Cordilleran interior; these differences are probably related to the way Cenozoic extension was accommodated at depth. Laminated middle and lower crust above the reflection Moho in the western Basin and Range (40"N) may be related to magmatism, ductile pure shear and large-scale transposition during Cenozoic extension. By contrast, beneath the eastern Basin and Range (40"N), and the orogenic interior in the NW United States (48.5"N), Cenozoic extension was probably accommodated along dipping deformation zones throughout the crust.
R. Allmendinger,et al.
Overview of the COCORP 40°N Transect, western United States: The fabric of an orogenic belt
R. Allmendinger,et al.
Crustal structure of eastern Nevada from COCORP deep seismic reflection data
R. Allmendinger,et al.
Crustal structure of north-central Nevada: Results from COCORP deep seismic profiling
J. Oliver,et al.
Cocorp deep seismic reflection traverse of the interior of the North American Cordillera, Washington and Idaho: Implications for orogenic evolution
J. Oliver,et al.
The Moho in the northern Basin and Range province, Nevada, along the COCORP 40°N seismic-reflection transect
R. Hyndman,et al.
Lithoprobe, southern Vancouver Island: Seismic reflection sees through Wrangellia to the Juan de Fuca plate
J. Oliver,et al.
Deep structure of the Rio Grande Rift from seismic reflection profiling
J. Oliver,et al.
Death Valley bright spot: A midcrustal magma body in the southern Great Basin