A transaction-friendly binary search tree

Transactions, which provide optimistic synchronization by avoiding the use of blocking, greatly simplify multicore programming. In fact, the programmer has simply to encapsulate sequential operations or existing critical sections into transactions to obtain a safe concurrent program. Programmers have thus started evaluating transactional memory using data structures originally designed for pessimistic (i.e., non-optimistic) synchronization, whose prominent example is the red-black tree library developed by Oracle Labs that is part of STAMP and microbench distributions. Unfortunately, existing data structures are badly suited for optimistic synchronization as they rely on strong structural invariants, like logarithmic tree depth, to bound the step complexity of pessimistically synchronized accesses. By contrast, this complexity does not apply to optimistically synchronized accesses thus making the invariants overly conservative. More dramatically, guaranteeing such invariants tends to increase the probability of aborting and restarting the same access before it completes. In this paper, we introduce a concurrent binary search tree that breaks transiently its balance structural invariants for effciency, a property we call transaction-friendly. We show that this new tree outperforms the existing transaction-based version of the AVL and the red-black trees. Its key novelty stems from the decoupling of update operations: they are split into one transaction that modi es the abstraction state and multiple ones that restructure its tree implementation. The resulting transaction-friendly library trades aborts for few additional access steps and, in particular, it speeds up a transaction-based travel reservation application by up to 3:5X.