A novel system for the assessment of mitral annular geometry and analysis of 3D motion of the mitral annulus from 3D echocardiography

Red-time 30 echocardiography (RT3DE) allows noninvasive evuluation of mitml unnulur 3D geometry. In [his study, we propuse a novel cmmpurrrized niethod for the assessment of mitral annular (MA) geometry and anulysis of MA motion through [he cardiac cycle. We upplied this technique to examine diflerrnces between normal subjects and putients with ischemic mitral regurgitation (IMR). The algorithm was evaluated using five suddle-shrryed MA phentoms and then applied to both normal subjects und putienls with IMR. Strong ngrerment between the rstimuted ond iicfual angle ofthe MA phantoms wus observed (y=0.99x+1.5. r=0.87, p<0.001, mean diflermce 2.66±10.9). in [he clinical study, non-planarity angle ut end-systole (ES) was significuntly grenter in IMR vs normal subjem (135±9.2 vs. 129.3±3.1, p<0.03). In ull cuses, MA wiis less plunur UI ES thun ED. In IMR, MA wiis diiufed (943±83 vs. 769±34 mm2, pc0.005) Lind moiion of postt.rtrlutrm1 MA wtis sipificuntly rediiced (7.3±1.3 vs 16.0±1.1 mm p<0.001). This upproach run determine unique 30 descrip fors of MA geometry !ha[ may provide infrrmatian about puthophys.iologic ahunges in purienfs wirh IMR.

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