Work on electronic voting systems to date has largely focused around first-past-the-post voting. However, the governments of many countries, and many non-governmental organisations, use a single transferable vote system, in which the voter needs to indicate not just a single preferred candidate but a preference ranking of (some or all of) the candidates on offer. This paper investigates the possibility of modifying Pret a Voter to cope with a single transferable vote system. With its newer form involving re-encryption mixes by P.Y.A. Ryan and S.A. Schneider (2006), this seems at first sight to be impossible; with the older version based on RSA onions by D. Chaum et al (2005), the obvious approach works, but security is less than ideal; using multiple re-encryption mix onions for each vote, combined with a lazy decryption semantics, however, proves to be an elegant and efficient solution to the problem.
Marek Klonowski,et al.
Rapid Mixing and Security of Chaum's Visual Electronic Voting
David Chaum,et al.
A Practical Voter-Verifiable Election Scheme
Michael R. Clarkson,et al.
Coercion-Resistant Remote Voting using Decryption Mixes
Peter Y. A. Ryan,et al.
Prêt à Voter with Re-encryption Mixes
Peter Y. A. Ryan,et al.
Computing Science Pret a Voter with Paillier Encryption Pret a Voter with Paillier Encryption Bibliographical Details Pret a Voter with Paillier Encryption Suggested Keywords Prêtà Voter with Paillier Encryption