Economic evaluation of national identification and recording systems for pigs in Belgium.

Four national identification and recording (I&R) systems for the Belgian pig industry were evaluated economically, using a computer simulation model. These systems were: (1) the previous system; (2) a revised system (based on the previous one); (3) a system based on electronic identification; (4) a system similar to (3) but which also allows electronic monitoring of individual pigs. The evaluation of the systems particularly concerned their use in the control of classical swine fever (CSF). Four factors have shown to be very influential in economic decision making with respect to I&R systems: (1) the economic losses per CSF epidemic; (2) the frequency of CSF epidemics; (3) the operational costs of the I&R system; (4) the possibility of additional use of the system besides CSF control. It was concluded that for the Belgian situation, replacement of the previous I&R system by the revised one is economically justifiable. Because of high operational costs, electronic identification systems are only economically feasible in very specific situations, e.g. when a higher degree of additional use is possible or with a relatively high frequency of CSF epidemics.