Interactive learning experience on nanotechnology

We present an Interactive Learning Experience on Nanotechnology in which users learn that gold nanoparticles can help cure cancer. This informal learning experience is based on a vertical, rear-projected screen of 2x1.5m (6.56x4.92 feet) and an IR reflection multi-touch system. The application shows simplified visuals of a cancer tumor at one end of a blood vessel. At the opposite end of the blood vessel there are ingredients to cure the tumor. Through gestures, users create a dose with one of the possible combinations of those ingredients and drag it through the blood vessel to the tumor. While dragging each dose, users can observe how it affects the body and the tumor. These observations provide clues on which ingredients should be part of the dose in order to eliminate the tumor completely. In this context, the main learning goal of the experience is achieved when users discover that such dose includes a gold nanoparticle. This experience is suited for a museum setting because it activates users while allowing them to learn at their own pace. In addition, it provides a comfortable, non-encumbered learning experience for up to four users, because they can interact with their hands while standing up.