Enhanced Bioreclamation of Jet Fuels: A Full-Scale Test at Eglin AFB, Florida
Abstract : This report presents the results of a two-year, full-scale field test of enhanced biodegradation conducted at a JP-4 jet fuel spill site on Eglin AFB FL. A complete description of site characterization methods, the enhanced biodegradation process and hardware, and the impact of this technology on soil and ground water contaminants is provided. The report emphasizes the treatment limitations of this technology that were observed through intense monitoring of soil and ground water contaminant profiles. Significant problems with hydrogen peroxide decomposition were documented in this test. This rapid decomposition resulted in poor oxygen distribution and biodegradation rates which were far less than laboratory microcosm studies had predicted. Several recommendations for improving field applications of enhanced biodegradation are provided, including a checklist for performing pilot tests of this technology. Keywords: Enhanced biodegradation, Fuel spill remediation, Bioremediation.