S&R 예방을 위한 확률기반 유한요소해석 프로그램 개발
BSR(Buzz, squeak and rattle) is the key factor that makes decision of quality of product, which should be eliminated and various efforts for that have been done by developer. Especially, unlike the conventional methods that are done after production such as adding tapes or sponges, some recent techniques have been focused on predicting BSR at design stage using finite element method. In this study, methods to detect rattle based on the frequency response analysis(FRA) are introduced, which are applied on simple structure composed of two cantilever beams and results are compared with that from simulation. In addition, probabilistic approaches are developed to consider the variation that parameters used for FRA have. More efficient probabilistic analysis techniques including response surface and sensitivity analysis are used to reduce computational costs, which are carried out on numerical example to determine their validity by comparing with Monte-Carlo simulation. Program to conduct procedure of probabilistic analysis is established using MATLAB, which can be used for NASTRAN limitedly.